MAP Etiopía 2022-2027 ENG

Country Partnership Framework Ethiopia - Spain 2022 - 2027

The cooperation between Ethiopia and Spain has been strengthened and renewed with the signing of this second Ethiopia-Spain Partnership Framework 2022-2027. This strategic document emphasizes the principle of ownership by the Ethiopian authorities and the alignment of Spanish Cooperation with the planned outcomes based on Ethiopia’s national development priorities identified in the Ten Years Perspective Plan 2021-2030 (TYPP). Ethiopia is considered a partner country due to its status as a least developed country, as stated in the Fifth Master Plan of the Spanish Cooperation, and this shared cooperation strategy enhances the comparative advantage of Spanish Cooperation to achieve a greater impact in terms of sustainable development, allowing for appropriate resource concentration. These common objectives and visions will contribute more effectively to sustainable human development, the reduction of inequalities, and peacebuilding, all firmly aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals and the commitment to implement the 2030 Agenda.

This agreement establishes the geographic and sectoral priorities for the actions of the various actors of Spanish Cooperation, thanks to the participatory and inclusive process in its development, and the ownership by the Ethiopian government. The Partnership Framework focuses efforts around three Development Results: contributing to universal health coverage; strengthening resilient and inclusive rural development – particularly against climate change; and promoting gender equality by strengthening women’s participation in public life and combating all forms of gender-based violence. All these efforts align with SDGs 1, 2, 3, and 5, as well as their targets.


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